Saturday, June 12, 2010

I am still alive and a quick recap

So it was brought to my attention by a good friend that I left all of my readers hanging in suspense in the Mae Tang Valley of northern Thailand, for about two months now. This was not due to political violence, but rather to me traveling to far less adventurous places. I left Thailand just before things got really bad there and spent the first 2 weeks of May with family in MecklenburgVorpommern, Germany. Not that 4 kids between 12 and 2 aren't an existential challenge, there was just no threat of Dengue Fever or massive pachyderms involved. Then it was on to France to Jeremie and a big ass. Literally. His name was Pinnochio and we had spent a great week trekking and camping with him through the Auveregne region of central France. The best birthday present ever. I am now in the US, where the featured animals are dogs and children have been replaced by "adults" who are children at heart. In July its off to Mexico with one of my best friends, so never fear more detailed adventures are to come!